Figure 2. Inhibition of primary tumor growth and metastases in mice with lymphosarcoma RLS40 under the treatment with binase, polychemotherapy (PCHT) and combination of binase and PCHT. (A) The effect of binase, PCHT (CHOP regimen) and the combination of binase and PCHT on the growth rate of lymphosarcoma RLS40. Binase was injected intraperitoneally thrice a week at the doses of 1 and 5 mg/kg starting on day 4 after tumor transplantation, PCHT was injected twice on day 4 and 11 after tumor transplantation. (B) Metastasis inhibition index (MII) in the control and experimental groups. MII = [mean metastasisareacontrol − mean metastasis areaexperiment]/mean metastasisareacontrol × 100%. p value indicates a statistically reliable difference relative to the control group and (*) denotes no statistically significant difference. (C) Representative histotopograms of the liver lobes of mice treated with binase. Haematoxylin and eosin staining. Large metastases are indicated by arrows.