Figure 1.
CID of Serum Amyloid P 5-mer
(A) MS/MS of SAP 5-mer with increasing precursor ion charge state. MS/MS spectra were acquired at the same laboratory frame energy (collision energy × Z) with the exception of the lowest charge state (18+), where higher energies were required in order to effect dissociation.
(B) Average charge state (Zav) of the dissociated monomer was plotted against the precursor ion charge state. For Z ≥ 25+, two populations of monomer are observed.
(C) The relative intensities of monomer and dimer CID products in the MS/MS spectra are plotted against precursor ion charge state. Precursor charge states were generated as follows: to 200 mM AA: 18–21+ (10 mM TEA), 22–25+ (no additive), and 26–30+ (1% m-NBA).
See also Figure S1.