Epitope dominance/subdominance
Do dominant variable region epitopes compete out subdominant conserved epitopes
Do specific epitopes provide weak B cell receptor (BCR) stimuli
Are some neutralization epitopes only recognized by rare germline precursor BCRs
What are structural and genetic characteristics of BNAbs to subdominant epitopes; e.g., antibodies to the CD4 binding site
Dampen dominant epitopes; e.g. add glycans, remove variable loops
Minimal epitope constructs; e.g., structure based designs of gp120 core, transplanted epitopes on to protein scaffolds
Native Env trimer to focus immune response on accessible viral spike epitopes
Tolerance: deletion/anergy
Are self-reactive BCRs limiting responses to some epitopes; e.g. MPER, glycan epitopes
Does requirement for poly (lipid)-reactivity for MPER BNAbs lead to clonal deletion
How does a non-lipid reactive BNAb effectively target the MPER
Are long CDRH3 in BNAbs encoded at germline or result from affinity maturation and insertions
How do we overcome selection against long CDRH3 antibodies
Antigen design for strong BCR signals to overcome anergy;
High affinity epitope specific antigens; e.g., scaffolds to present optimal MPER epitope
Antigen presentation; e.g, multivalency and adjuvants
Understand prevalence of long CDRH3 BCRs and how to engage these BCRs
Selected BCRs and Affinity Maturation
If some germline antibodies (e.g. VRC01 class) do not bind gp120, how is the BCR stimulated
What are defining structural and genetic characteristics of VH1-2 restricted antibodies
How much somatic mutation is required to achieve virus neutralization
How to promote affinity maturation via immunization
Does virus evolution specifically drive antibody maturation toward broad neutralization
What is optimal CD4 T-help to promote affinity maturation
Rational immunogen design to engage appropriate BCRs (e.g. VH1-2 gene for VRC01 class antibodies)
Genetic analysis of BNAb antibody lineages to understand germline and antibody evolution, and interaction with virus evolution
Structural studies of mature and germline antibody binding
B-cell lineage-based vaccine design (Fig. 2). Design immunogens based on unmutated and intermediate ancestors of known BNAb lineages. Guide B-cell maturation