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. 2013 Aug 9;7:37. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2013.00037

Table 1.

Summary of studies involving MD thalamic lesions assessing performance in an array of memory tasks over the past 40 years.

References Lesion/Species/Type Behavioral tasks Training Delay Deficits reported
Moreau et al., 2013 Lateral MD + ILn rats: NMDA Spatial water maze Post-op No
Visual water maze No
Cross et al., 2012 MD rats: NMDA Single item recognition Post-op 5 m, 3 h No
Spatial location 5 m, 3 h No
Object-in-place 5 m, 3 h Yes
Recency memory 3 h yes
Izquierdo and Murray, 2010 MDmc +Amyg + OFC macaques: NMDA Reward devaluation Post-op Yes, neural circuitry important for reward based decision making
Chauveau et al., 2009 MD mice: ibotenic Contextual serial discrimin Post-op 24 h With no stress MD only mildly impaired, with stress condition MD substantially impaired
Retention with stress variable
Dolleman-van der Weel et al., 2009 MD rats: NMDA Morris water maze Post-op Transient deficit only
Some impairments with strategy shifting
Lopez et al., 2009 Morris water maze Post-op No acquisition deficits, impaired in remote (25d) but not recent (5d) retrieval of correct quadrant
Mitchell et al., 2008 MDmc + Fx macaques: NMDA/ibotenic + ablation 300 OIP discriminations Pre-op Yes
100 OIP discriminations Post-op Yes, combined lesions produced substantial new learning impairments
Mitchell and Gaffan, 2008 MDmc macaques: NMDA/Ibotenic 300 OIP discriminations Pre-op No
100 OIP discriminations Post-op Yes, new learning impairments
Ostlund and Balleine, 2008 MD rats: NMDA Instrumental conditioning Pre-op Yes, disrupted influence of Pavlovian cues over action selection, no impact on selection of actions based on expected value
Pickens, 2008 MD rats: NMDA Pavlovian devaluation Post-op Impaired when switching from Pavlovian to operant contingencies but not when switching from one reinforcer to multiple reinforcer conditions
Operant devaluation Post-op
One vs. multiple reinforcers
Wolff et al., 2008 Lateral MD + ILn Rats: NMDA Allocentric spatial water maze Post-op No
Egocentric spatial Y water maze No
Block et al., 2007 MD rats: Task set shifting T-maze No, only impaired on new learning of strategies
Mitchell et al., 2007a MDmc macaques: NMDA/ibotenic Strategy implementation Pre-op No
OIP association Pre-op Yes, new objects-in-place post-op
Mitchell et al., 2007b MDmc macaques: NMDA/ibotenic Reward devaluation Post-op Yes
Gibb et al., 2006 Lateral MD + ILn Odor-place associations Odor discriminations Post-op Yes
Rats: NMDA No
Place discriminations No
Mitchell and Dalrymple-Alford, 2006 Lateral MD + ILn Egocentric responding X-maze 8 arm radial maze Pre-op Impaired at matching body turn after delay
rats: NMDA Post-op
Chauveau et al., 2005 MD mice: ibotenic Sequential alt Post-op 5–30 s Only impaired when delays mixed (30-5)
Go/ No-go temporal alt 0–30 s
Mitchell and Dalrymple-Alford, 2005 Medial MD; lateral MD + ILn Radial maze Post-op 2 h No
Go/No-go devaluation Post-op Yes, MDmc
rats: NMDA Single item (SOR) Post-op No
Recency memory (TOM) Post-op Yes, MDmc and MDpc+ILn
Ridley et al., 2005 MD + IT marmosets: NMDA + ablation Spatiovisual conditioning Pre-op Unilateral MD not impaired in retention. Combined crossed lesions caused mild impairments
Visuospatial conditioning retention and learning Post-op
Corbit et al., 2003 MD rats: NMDA Instrumental conditioning Post-op MD acquired conditioning then deficits in selective devaluation effect during extinction
Devaluation extinction tests
Ridley et al., 2002 MD+AT marmosets: NMDA Visuospatial conditional task Pre-op Combined MD+AT impaired in retention but separate MD or AT lesions were not
Visuovisual conditional Post-op
Concurrent discriminations
Alexinsky, 2001 MD rats: ibotenic, excision 3/8 baited radial maze Pre-op MD = less correct visits only;
New Route—Pre-exp- Y/N Pre-exposure –Y = MD deficits;
Contextual light change
MD adapted
Chudasama et al., 2001 MD rats: NMDA Visual discriminations and reversals with touch-screen Pre-op MD = impaired at reversal of all three visual discriminations
Gaffan and Parker, 2000 MDmc macaques: aspiration Visual scene memory Pre-op Yes
Object-reward associations Pre-op Retention = No
New Post-op Learning = Yes
Floresco et al., 1999 MD rats: bilateral lidocaine infusion Delayed radial maze Post-op 30 min Pre-test infusion severe deficits.
Non delayed random foraging radial maze Post-op
Not impaired.
Delayed radial maze and Pre-test infusion only Post-op 30 min MD/N Acc. not impaired. A PL/N Acc. group were also impaired
Kornecook et al., 1999 MD rats: electrode Visual object discrimination Pre-op No deficits on retention of discriminations learnt pre-op up to 58 days prior to surgery
Zhang et al., 1998 MD rats: NMDA Go/no-go DNMTS odors Pre-op 4–20 s MD mild and transient deficits;
Olfactory discrimination
Burk and Mair, 1998 MD rats: NMDA Place DMTS, operant boxes Pre-op 1–13 s No
Serial reversal learning Post-op No
Hunt and Aggleton, 1998a,b MD rats: NMDA Standard radial maze Post-op 60 s No
Radial maze (45° rotation) Post-op 60 s Yes
T-maze Alt 10 s No
8-arm radial maze 15, 60 min Yes, exacerbated by AT damage
Hunt and Aggleton, 1998a,b MD rats: NMDA 8-arm radial maze CCP Post-op 10–40 s No
Exploratory Activity No
T-Maze MTP Yes, slower to acquired task but no delay deficits
T-Maze Reversal No, MD more perseverative errors than controls
Parker et al., 1997 MD macaques: ablations DMTS Pre-op 0–30 s Yes for large stimulus set size but not small set size
Concurrent discriminations Post-op
Rule reversal learning Post-op No
Peinado-Manzano and Pozo-Garcia, 1996 MD rats Delayed alternation in operant boxes Pre-op 0–80 s Moderate and transient impairment for 0–40 s and severe impairment for 80 s
Young et al., 1996 MD rats: RF DNMTS in operant boxes Post-op 1.8–8.8 s MD produced deficits in acquisition of the radial maze task
8-arm radial maze
Krazem et al., 1995 MD mice: ibotenic T-Maze Spatial repetition Post-op 5 min, 24 h No
T-Maze Reversal Yes, MD required more trials
Hunt et al., 1994 MD rats: NMDA Object, concurrent and configural discrim Post-op MD mildly impaired on concurrent discriminations
Gaffan et al., 1993 MD + Amyg + VMPFC macaques: ablation 2-choice visual discrim task with food reward for correct choices Post-op Crossed lesions caused severe deficits in post-op acquisition
Mumby et al., 1993 MD rats: electrolytic Visual object recognition DNMS Post-op 4 s acq. Yes, more trials to learn, then delay dependent deficits
Pre-op 4–300
30–300 s
Yes, more trials to reacquire
Neave et al., 1993 MD rats: NMDA DNMTP Post-op 0–32 s No
Spatial discrim and Reversal No
Gaffan and Watkins, 1991 MD macaques: ablation Learning of visual stimuli associated with different amounts of food Pre-op Yes, impaired on retention of pre-op reward stimuli associations and impaired in new learning of further reward stimuli associations
Hunt and Aggleton, 1991 MD rats: RF, ibotenic Y-Maze Object recognition Post-op 0–60 s Yes
T-Maze Delay alt 10–60 s Yes, spatial memory deficits only a consequence of anterior thalamic involvement
M'Harzi et al., 1991 MD rats: electrolytic Radial maze Post-op Yes
Place recognition No
Object recognition No
Peinado-Manzano and Pozo-Garcia, 1991 MD rats: electrolytic Operant delay alt Post-op 0–80 s Yes
Gaffan and Murray, 1990 MD + Amyg + vmPFC macaques: ablation 2-choice visual discrim with food reward for correct choices Post-op Bilateral lesions to MD impaired
Crossed unilateral lesions not as impaired as bilateral lesions to any of the single regions.
Stokes and Best, 1990a MD rats: electrolytic 8-arm radial maze Post-op Yes, combined MD and AT damage
Stokes and Best, 1990b MD rats: ibotenic 8-arm radial maze Post-op Yes, combined MD and AT damage
Winocur, 1990 MD rats: electrolytic Memory for food preferences Post-op 0–8 d No
Pre-op Yes, only if no delay btw acquisition and surgery Not impaired with 2 d between acquisition and surgery
Beracochea et al., 1989 MD rats: ibotenic 8-arm radial maze Post-op 15, 45 s No
T-Maze temp alt Yes = 15 s but not with 45 s delay
T-Maze spatial reversal
Stokes and Best, 1988 MD rats: electrolytic 8-arm radial maze Pre-op 0 s Yes, combined MD and AT damage
Zola-Morgan and Squire, 1985 Posterior MD macaques: electrolytic Visual DNMTS Post-op 8–60 s, 10 min Yes, delay independent
Pattern discrimination No, analogous to preserved capacity for skill learning in human amnesic patients
Winocur, 1985 MD rats: electrolytic Delayed alternation Post-op 0–21 d Yes, impaired acquisition and impaired at all delays
Passive avoidance
Aggleton and Mishkin, 1983a MD macaques: ablation Object recognition Post-op 120 s Yes
Object-reward associations Yes
Aggleton and Mishkin, 1983b MD +AT macaques: ablation Object recognition Post-op 120 s Yes
Visual pattern discrim No
Spatial delayed response No
Isseroff et al., 1982 MD macaques: RF Spatial delayed response Post-op 5 s Yes
Visual pattern discrim No
Delayed alternation Yes
Object discrim + reversals No







delayed non match to position


delayed non match to sample


egocentric discrimination








spontaneous object recognition





For other abbreviations see elsewhere in the text.