Fig 2.
Effect of aconitine on ICa-L in the single cell of rat ventricular myocytes. A. Representative curves recorded before and after 1 µM aconitine was perfused. Currents were elicited by 300-ms voltage steps from -60 to +40 mV from a holding potential of -70 mV at an inter-pulse interval of 10 s. B. Effect of aconitine on the time course of activation of ICa-L. C. Effect of aconitine on the time course of inactivation of ICa-L. D. Effect of aconitine on the voltage-current density relationship curve of ICa-L. E. Changes of activation and inactivation of ICa-L under exposure to 1 µM aconitine. F. Effect of 1 µM aconitine on the recovery of Ca2+ current from inactivation. Raw data were fitted by a mono-exponential function.