Figure 1.
AKAP3 was immunoprecipitated with CABYR by anti-CABYR-A or anti-CABYR-B antibody. (a, b) 2D gels of human sperm extracts probed by anti-AKAP3 polyclonal antibody (a) or pre-immune serum (b). The spot located at 110 kDa with pI 7.0 is the AKAP3. (c, d) 2D gels of human sperm immunoprecipitated by anti-CABYR-A polyclonal antibody (c) or pre-immune serum (d) probed by the anti-AKAP3 polyclonal antibody. The spot indicated by the arrow (c) is the co-immunoprecipitated AKAP3. (e, f) 2D Western blots of human sperm extracts immunoprecipitated by anti-CABYR-B polyclonal antibody (e) or pre-immune serum (f) probed by the anti-AKAP3 polyclonal antibody. The spot indicated by an arrow (e) is the co-immunoprecipitated AKAP3. AKAP, A kinase-anchoring protein; CABYR, calcium-binding tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated protein; 2D, two-dimensional; MW, molecular weight; pI, isoelectric point.