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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Jun 1.
Published in final edited form as: Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev. 2013 Jun;16(2):101–145. doi: 10.1007/s10567-013-0130-6

Table 7.

Behavior problems

Study Country of origin Severity of deprivation Age at assessment N Construct measured Outcome measure Age at adoption: Distribution Age at adoption: Measurement Statistical test Significant effect of age at adoption? Form of the relationship? Relationship with other variables?
Positive Results
Ames (1997) Romania Globally depriving most 4.5y; some 5.5–9y 46 stereo typed behavior problems parent interview 8–8m; Md = 18.5m1 continuous1 correlation yes
Romania Globally depriving most 4.5y; some 5.5–9y 46 behavior problems CBCL (parent-report) 8–8m; Md = 18.5m1 continuous1 correlation yes, for Total, Internalizing, and Externalizing
Fisher, Ames, Chisholm, & Savoie (1997) Romania Globally depriving 18–76m 46 behavior problems CBCL (parent-report) 806m; M = 18.51 continuou1 correlation yes for Total and Internalizing, marginal for Externalizing
Romania Globally depriving 18–76m 46 rate of improvement in stereo typed behavior problems parent interview 8–6m; M = 18.51 continuous1 correlation yes
Beckett, Bredenkam, Castle, Groothues, O’Connor, Rutter, & The ERA Study Team (2002) Romania Globally depriving 6y 144 Rocking, self-injury, unusual sensory interests, problems with chewing and swallo wing parent interview 45 0–6m, 19 6–2m, 35 12–24m, 45 24–42m < 6m, 6–12m, 12–24m, 24–42m chi square trends, ANOVA yes linear, step function at 6m
Rutter, Sonuga-Barke, Beckett, Castle, Kreppner, Kumsta, Schlotz, Stevens, & Bell (2010) Romania Globally depriving 6y, 11y, 15y 144 Deprivation Specific Psychological Patterns most extreme 15% for cognitive impairment, quasiautistic patterns, inattention/over activity, and disinhibited attachment (parent & teacher-report) 58 < 6m, 59 6–24m, 48 > 24m < 6m (combined with UK adoptees and non-PI Romanian adoptees), > 6m logistic regression, Fisher’s exact test yes past work suggests step function at 6m subnutrition did not relate to DSP independently or through an interaction with age at adoption; DSP was related to head circumference
Romania Globally depriving 6y, 11y, 15y 144 emotional (internalizing) and conduct (externalizing) problems Rutter Scales (parent & teacher-report) 58 < 6m, 59 6–24m, 48 > 24m < 6m (combined with UK adoptees and non-PI Romanian adoptees), > 6m ANOVA; path analysis yes past work suggests step function at 6m no effect of gender; effect present at all ages, but interaction with age at assessment: more problems at 11 and 15 than at 6; mediated by DSP
Ellis, Fisher, & Zaharie (2004) Romania 2–6y 51 anxiety/affective symptoms ECI-4 (parent-report) 1m–5.5y; M = 2.5y2 continuous2 multiple regression yes
Elmund, Lindblad, Vinnerljung, & Hjern (2007) Multiple No info 16,522 out of home care due to child’s behavior rates of out of home care in national database 78% before age 2y, 15.5% age 2–3y, 6.5% age 4–6y 0–1y, 2–3y, 4–6y logistic regression yes
Gunnar, van Dulmen, & the International Adoption Project Team (2007) Multiple 4–18y 899 behavior problems CBCL (parent-report) M = 29.5m, SD = 30.7m; 38% were ≥ 24m < 12m, > 12m; < 24m, > 24m multivariate logistic regression yes no interaction between age at adoption and PI status
Hawk & McCall (2011) mostly Russia Socially-emotionally depriving 6–18y 316 behavior problems CBCL (parent-report) 3.3–57.7m; M = 16.0m, SD = 11.4 < 18m, > 18m; < 6m, 6–11m, 12–17m, 18–23m, 24m+ ANOVA, MANOVA yes step function at 18m effects only present at older age at assessment (12–18y)
Merz & McCall (2010) mostly Russia Socially-emotionally depriving 6–18y 342 behavior problems CBCL (parent-report) M = 16.4, SD = 11.75 < 9m, 9–17m, ≥ 18m chi square; hierarchical multiple regression yes step function at 18m effects only present at older age at assessment (12–18y)
Verhulst, Althaus, & Versluis-Den Bieman (1990) Multiple 10–15y 2148 behavior problems CBCL (parent-report) 513 0–6m, 221 7–12m, 329 13–24m, 311 25–36m, 278 37–48m, 198 49–60m, 156 61–72m, 142 73–125m < 6m, 7–12m, 13–24m, 25–36m, 37–48m, 49–60m, 61–72m, 73–125m chi square; ANCOVAs yes, for extreme scores (total sample), internalizing, and externalizing sharp increase in problems after 24m interaction with age at assessment for internalizing but not externalizing
Verhulst, Althaus, & Versluis-Den Bieman (1992) Multiple 9–17y 3519 behavior problems CBCL (parent-report) 0–10y; majority < 4y < 6m, 7–12m, 13–24m, 25–36m, 37–48m, 49–60m, 61–72m, 73–125m log-linear analyses yes effect is over and above that of age at assessment and gender; effect is better accounted for by abuse, neglect, and number of placements
Mixed Results
Cederblad, Höök, Irhammer, & Merke (1999) Multiple 13–27y 147 behavior problems CBCL (parent-report) 54% < 7m; 30% > 1y < 1y, > 1y at adoption ANOVA yes, for 1 subscale
Multiple 13–27y 147 behavior problems CBCL (parent-report) 54% < 7m; 30% > 1y < 6m or > 6m in institution or foster care ANOVA yes, for total score and 4 subscales
Habersaat, Tessier, & Pierrehumbert (2011) Multiple 12–18y 350 behavior problems CBCL (parent-report) 83 < 6m, 52 6–12m, 43 12–24m, 172 > 24m < 6m, 6–12m, 12–24m, > 24m yes, for < 6m and > 24m; no for < 12m and > 12m moderated by maternal solicitations style; not moderated by attachment
Kreppner, Rutter, Beckett, Castle, Colvert, Groothues, Hawkins, O’Connor, Stevens, & Sonuga-Barke (2007) Romania Globally depriving 6y, 11y 144 impairments most extreme 15% for cognitive impairment, quasiautistic patterns, inattention/over activity, disinhibited attachment, conduct problems, emotional problems, peerrelationship problems (parent & teacher-report) 0–42m continuous; < 6m, 6–24m, > 24m chi square; binary logistic regression yes, but only < 6m, > 6m comparison step function at 6m no interaction with weight at adoption (subnutrition)
Rutter, Kreppner, & O’Connor (2001) Romania Globally depriving 6y 165 emotional (internalizing) and conduct (externalizing) problems Rutter Scales (parent & teacher-report) 58 < 6m, 59 6–24m, 48 > 24m < 6m, 6–24m, 24–42m chi square trends no
Romania Globally depriving 6y 165 dysfunction problems in attachment, attention, emotional, autism, cognition, peer or conduct domains (parent & teacher-report) 58 < 6m, 59 6–24m, 48 > 24m < 6m, 6–24m, 24–42m yes
Nielsen, Coleman, Guinn, & Robb (2004) Ug and a Various levels of deprivation 1–3y 33 temperament care giver interview 3m–3y; M = 1.5y, SD = .67y2 < 1y, 1–2y, 2–3y2 MANCOVA no
Ug and a Various levels of deprivation 1–3y 33 aggressiveness toward other children, objects, and adults observation of free play 3m–3y; M = 1.5y, SD = .67y2 < 1y, 1–2y, 2–3y2 MANCOVA yes: only for interaction interaction between duration of institutionalization and contact with relatives; longer institutionalization and contact with relatives was associated with aggressiveness toward adults
Ug and a Various levels of deprivation 1–3y 33 negative affect, crying observation of free play 3m–3y; M = 1.5y, SD = .67y2 < 1y, 1–2y, 2–3y2 MANCOVA yes: only for interaction interaction between duration of institutionalization and contact with relatives; only multivariate effect reached significance
Ug and a Various levels of deprivation 1–3y 33 positive affect observation of free play 3m–3y; M = 1.5y, SD = .67y2 < 1y, 1–2y, 2–3y2 MANCOVA no
Marcovitch, Cesaroni, Roberts, & Swanson (1995) Romania Globally depriving 7m–11y 130 Behavior problems questionnaire designed for current study (parent-report) 100 < 2y, 30 > 2y < 2y, > 2y yes, for some domains (but no statistical test)
Tan, Marfo, & Dedrick (2007) China3 Socially-emotionally depriving 1.5y–5y SN = 63 Non-SN = 689 behavior problems CBCL 1.5–5y (parent-report) SN: M = 25.85, SD = 10.82; non-SN: M = 12.71, SD = 4.87 continuous multiple regression no
China3 Socially-emotionally depriving 6y–15.7y SN = 61 Non-SN = 280 behavior problems CBCL (parent-report) SN: M = 46.98, SD = 37.45; non-SN: M = 15.61, SD = 15.80 continuous multiple regression yes, for Total problems (but small correlation)
Tan, Marfo, & Dedrick (2010) China3 Socially-emotionally depriving 1.5y–5y 452 behavior problems CBCL (parent-report) 3–50m; M = 13.1m, SD = 5.1m continuous, natural log transformed correlation, regression yes for correlations at Time 2; only for Total (not internalizing, externalizing) at Time 1; for regression, only T2 Externalizing ant Total were significant (small magnitude)
Null Results
Barcons-Castel, Fornieles-Deu, & Costas-Moragas (2011) Multiple 6–11y 52 behavior problems various BASC subscales (parent & self-report) 8–84m; M = 28.75m, SD = 21.42m < 12m, 13–36m, > 37m unifactorial ANOVA no
Colvert, Rutter, Beckett, Castle, Groothues, Hawkins, Kreppner, O’Connor, Stevens, & Sonuga-Barke (2008a) Romania Globally depriving4 6y, 11y 144 emotional (internalizing) and conduct (externalizing) problems Rutter Scales (parent & teacher-report) < 43m continuous; < 6m, > 6m t-test, chi square no
Kreppner, O’Connor, Rutter, & The ERA Study Team (2001) Romania Globally depriving 4y, 6y 137 emotional (internalizing) and conduct (externalizing) problems Rutter Scales (parent & teacher-report) 0–42m continuous; < 6m, 6–24m, > 24m correlation no
Cohen & Farnia (2011) China3 1.5–4y 70 behavior problems CBCL (parent-report) 8–21m; M = 13m continuous regression no: ns for internalizing, marginal for externalizing
Dalen & Rygold (2006) China3 7–13y 77 problem behavior Rutter scales (teacher-report) 2–52m; M = 6.88m, SD = 9.28m step-wise multiple regression no
Elliott & McMahon (2011) China3 3–8y 59 anxiety PAS, SCAS-P (parent-report) 6–54m; M = 14.71m, SD = 7.66m continuous correlation no
Goldney, Donald, Sawyer, Kosky, & Priest (1996) Indonesia M = 15.2y, SD = 2.1y 34 behavior problems CBCL (parent-report) 1m–7.5y; M = 17m, SD = 1.7y continuous correlation no
Indonesia M = 15.2y, SD = 2.1y 34 behavior problems YSR (self-report) 1m–7.5y; M = 17m, SD = 1.7y continuous correlation no
Juffer & van Ijzen doorn (2005) Multiple all ages 29 studies, 14,581 participants behavior problems various 45% of studies 0–12m; 21% of studies 12–24m; 24% of studies > 24m; 10% of studies not reported < 12m, > 12m; < 24m, > 24m meta-analysis no for Total, Internalizing, and Externalizing
Miller, Chan, Tirella, & Perrin (2009) Eastern Europe Globally depriving 8–10y 50 behavior problems BASC (parent & teacher-report) 4–55m; 50% < 18m continuous correlation no
Tan, Camras, Deng, Zhang, & Lu (2012) China3 Socially-emotionally depriving4 2–6y 133 behavior problems CBCL (parent-report) 8–31m; M = 12.8m continuous correlation no for Total, Internalizing, and Externalizing
Tan & Marfo (2006) China3 Socially-emotionally depriving 1.5y–11y 695 behavior problems CBCL (parent-report) preschool: M = 14.2m, SD = 8.3m; school-age: M = 18.5m, SD = 23.7m continuous, log transformed correlation, hierarchical regression no for Total, Internalizing, and Externalizing
Tizard & Hodges (1978) UK Adequate 8y 25 emotional (internalizing) and conduct (externalizing) problems Rutter Scales (parent-report) most between 2y and 4y; 5 between 4.5y and 7.5y point biserial correlation no
Tizard & Rees (1975) UK Adequate 4.5y 24 emotional (internalizing) and conduct (externalizing) problems Rutter Scales (parent-report) Mean = 3.11y, SD = .69y no
Age at admission: Distribution Age at admission: Measurement Significant effect of age at admission?
Lee, Seol, Sung, Miller, & the Minnesota International Adoption Project Team (2010) South Korea Adequate 4–8y 382 behavior problems CBCL (care giver-report) M and SD for children with relinquishing parent, living parent, and deceased/unknown parent were 0.96y (0.64), 4.69y (1.50), 4.47y (1.46) < 2y, > 2y ANCOVA yes
Wolkind (1974) UK 5y–12y 92 antisocial disorder, stealing, lying, destructiveness, fighting, disinhibition caregiver interview 49 < 2y, 43 > 2y < 2y, > 2y chi square, Fisher exact test yes, only for disinhibition effect for disinhibition only significant in older at assessment group (> 8y)
Vorria, Rutter, Pickles, Wolkind, & Hobsbaum (1998b) Greece Socially-emotionally depriving 9–11y 41 emotional (internalizing) and conduct (externalizing) problems Rutter Scales (parent & teacher-report) nearly half admitted around 5–6y; 16 admitted before 3.5y < 3y6m, 3y6m–5y6m, > 5y6m no

Note. Age at adoption findings are listed above age at admission findings. Within each portion of table, top section includes positive results, middle section includes mixed results, bottom section includes null results.

CBCL = Child Behavior Checklist, ECI-4 = Early Childhood Inventory-4, PAS = Preschool Anxiety Scale, SCAS-P = Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale-Parent Report, YSR = Youth Self Report, BASC = Behavioral Assessment System for Children, SN = special needs, DSP = Deprivation-specific psychological patterns

m = months, y = years, M = mean, Md = median, SD = standard deviation


This study used time in the orphanage instead of age at adoption; these two variables were correlated at r = .97


These studies assessed children who were still institutionalized, so duration of institutionalization was assessed rather than age at adoption


The vast majority of children adopted from China are female


These articles did not provide information about the conditions of these institutions, but other studies from the same authors on the same sample did describe the severity of the deprivation.