Figure 2.
The TTC assay produces DNA migration in two perpendicular axes. The comet tail positioned on the X axis is formed as result of neutral lysis and electrophoresis and contains dsDNA, while the comet tail positioned on the Y axis is formed as a result of alkaline lysis and electrophoresis and consists of ssDNA. Seven TTC types are found in a semen sample. (a) (1) undamaged; (2) low level of ssDD; (3) high level of ssDD; (b) (4) low level of dsDD; (5) high level of dsDD; (c) (6) low level of ssDD and dsDD; (7) high level of ss- and dsDD. (d) The same images after the application of a common electronic filter. Scale bars=5 µm. dsDD, double-stranded DNA damage; dsDNA, double-stranded DNA; ssDD, single-stranded DNA damage; ssDNA, single-stranded DNA; TTC, two-tailed comet.