Figure 2. Phylogenetic tree of 22 groupers in family Epinephelidae and 29 representatives from other families in suborder Percoidei.
A species from the suborder Labrodei family Labridae, Pseudolabrus sieboldi, was selected as outgroup. Congruent tree topology was inferred from partitioned Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses using the concatenated nucleotide sequences of 12 mitochondrial protein-coding genes (excluding ND6). The Bayesian posterior probability values (top) and bootstrap values (bottom) are labeled at branch nodes. Branch length information from the Bayesian tree is shown. NCBI RefSeq or GenBank accession number of each species was listed on the right of the species name. Clade A indicates the derived epinephelid clade whose ATP6 start codon is not ATG but CTG or TTG, different from most other teleosts and basal groupers.