Table 3.
List of parameters controlling the 3-D tetrahedral mesh creation, including description of the function of each parameter.
Meshing parameter | Description |
Angle | This parameter controls the shape of surface facets. It is a lower bound for the angle (in degree) of surface facets. When boundary surfaces are smooth, the termination of the meshing process is guaranteed if the angular bound is at most 30 deg. |
Size | This parameter controls the size of surface facets. Each surface facet has a surface Delaunay ball, which is a ball circumscribing the surface facet and centered on the surface patch. The parameter facet_size is either a constant or a spatially variable scalar field, providing an upper bound for the radii of surface Delaunay balls. |
Distance | This parameter controls the approximation error of boundary and subdivision surfaces. It is either a constant or a spatially variable scalar field. It provides an upper bound for the distance between the circumcenter of a surface facet and the center of a surface Delaunay ball of this facet. |
Tetrahedron quality | This parameter controls the shape of mesh cells. It is an upper bound for the ratio between the circumradius of a mesh tetrahedron and its shortest edge. |
Tetrahedron size | This parameter controls the size of mesh tetrahedra. It is set as a scalar (mm) and provides an upper bound on the circumradii of the mesh tetrahedra. |