Figure 7.
Brightfield images of New caledonian Evaniidae. a) Szepligetella levipetiolata (Turner 1919), left mid and hind tibiae and femora, lateral view. b) Szepligetella irwini Deans and Mikó sp. nov., left mid and hind tibiae and femora, lateral view. c) Evania appendigaster (Linneaus 1758), metapectal–propodeal complex and metasoma, posterolateral view. d) Szepligetella sericea (Cameron 1883), metapectal–propodeal complex and metasoma, posterolateral view. e) Szepligetella deercreeki Deans and Mikó sp. nov., metapectal–propodeal complex and metasoma, posterolateral view. f) Szepligetella deercreeki Deans and Mikó sp. nov., habitus, lateral view.