Sample Characteristics
Variable | N | Metric | Mean | SD | Range |
Child & Family | |||||
Chronologic age | 60 | Years | 10.5 | 0.8 | 9.1 – 12.8 |
WISC Perceptual Reasoning Quotient | 60 | Standard Score2 | 105.2 | 12.9 | 71–135 |
Highest parent education level | 58 | # of Years | 16.4 | 1.8 | 12–20 |
Family income | 59 | Category1 | 8.8 | 1.9 | 3–10 |
SES (Education + Income) | 58 | Composite | 25.3 | 2.6 | 19–30 |
CELF – Core Language Index | 60 | Standard Score2 | 89.19 | 20.19 | 42–132 |
SRSS - Social Skills Rating | 60 | Standard Score2 | 103.85 | 14.35 | 66–129 |
Audiological Characteristics | |||||
Age at diagnosis | 60 | Years; Months | 0;10 | 0;8 | 0;1 – 2;6 |
Age 1st HA | 60 | Years; Months | 0;11 | 0;8 | 0;1 – 2;7 |
Age at 1st CI | 60 | Years; Months | 1;10 | 0;7 | 0;12 – 3;2 |
Duration 1st CI | 60 | Years; Months | 8;6 | 0;11 | 6;2 – 11;2 |
Age at 2nd CI | 29 | Years; Months | 7;8 | 1;8 | 3;10 – 9;11 |
Pre-Implant Unaided PTA | 60 | dB HL | 108.0 | 10.9 | 77–120 |
Pre-Implant Aided PTA (HA) | 60 | dB HL | 65 | 15.1 | 32–80 |
Current Aided PTA (CI) | 60 | dB HL | 21.5 | 7.3 | 4–48 |
Educational Characteristics | |||||
1st Mainstreamed | 60 | Grade level3 | K | 1.0 | PreK - 6 |
Class Size >20 | 60 | % of grades | 46.5 | 42.8 | 0 – 100 |
Income categories: 1 = Under $5,500; 2 = $ 5,500 – $ 9,999; 3 = $10,000 – $14,999; 4 = $15,000 –$24,999; 5 = $25,000 – $34,999; 6= $35,000 – $49,999; 7 = $50,000 – $64,999; 8 = $65,000 – $79,999; 9 = $80,000 – $94,999; 10= $95,000 – over
Standard Score Mean = 100; SD = 15 (Normal hearing age mates in normative samples) CELF – Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals; SRSS – Social Skills Rating System
Non-parametric summary values reported for grade placement at mainstreaming are the median and inter-quartile range rather than an average and standard deviation.