Figure 3.
Traumatic experience with reminders of stress (TERS)-exposed mice do not extinguish fear response. We assessed the conditioned fear response in TERS-susceptible (black bars), TERS-resilient (gray bars), and control (white bars) mice by quantifying freezing behavior during the last situational reminder (SR) and by measuring avoidance of an environment similar to the shock chamber. (A) We indirectly measured freezing behavior in TERS-exposed mice by quantifying locomotor activity during the sixth SR. Both TERS-susceptible (n = 15) and TERS-resilient (n = 15) mice showed a significant decrease in locomotor activation during the last SR compared with control mice (n = 27). Experimenter observation confirmed that mice were engaged in freezing behavior during the SR, often huddled in the corner opposite the door to the shock chamber. (B) Mice were exposed to a light-dark box, a rectangular apparatus divided into a light and a dark chamber and therefore similar to the shock box. Both TERS-susceptible (n = 29) and TERS-resilient (n = 14) mice spent less time in the dark chamber than control mice (n = 27). *p < .05;**p < .01; ***p < .001. LD, light-dark box.