(A) The absolute difference in firing rate between the two categories is shown during the no-saccade condition (early delay epoch) and saccade-toward condition (saccade epoch in saccade condition and corresponding early delay in no-saccade condition). Note that the average difference in firing rate between categories was similar in the saccade-toward and no-saccade conditions.
(B) The difference in firing rate, in the saccade epoch, between the saccade-toward and no-saccade conditions is shown separately for trials in which the sample had been in the nonpreferred (x axis) and preferred (y axis) categories. Note that saccade responses were weaker (on average) for the preferred than nonpreferred category. In both plots, the diagonal dotted line indicates the unity line, and the mean along each axis is indicated by the star symbol. The coefficient and p values of a linear correlation are shown in the upper left of each plot.