Regeneration was initiated in the absence of cell division. (A–H′) Third instar wing discs of en-Gal4 UAS-GFP/ UAS-Rux larvae shifted from 17 to 29 °C for 24 h before the surgical ablation and maintained at 29 °C during regeneration. The discs were stained with phalloidin (red in A and C); anti-Wg (red in B–D); anti-Bs (red in E and G); anti-Iro (blue in F and H); and anti-PH3 (blue in A, B, E, and G). (A–A′) Note the large size of the cells expressing rux. (C–C″) We found an actin cable (arrows) (phalloidin staining in red) in the wound edges 1 h AC. Optical z-sections below C″ showed a cross-section at the position of the white line. (D –D′) As seen in the control regenerating discs, 20 h AC the expression of Wg disappeared in a fragment of the D/V boundary (high magnification in the yellow square in D′), but was restored in the internal ring. (E–H′) The vein/intervein pattern defined by Bs (E–E′) and Iro (arrows in F–F′) observed in the control discs was disrupted in the regenerating discs at 20 h AC (G–H′).