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. 2012 Nov;1(4):449–456. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2225-319X.2012.10.04

Table 1. Clinical prognostic studies.

Marker Year Author N Data: univariate predictors Multivariate
Lab/Clinical: Japan 2011 Nojiri (6) 314 Demographic and laboratory parameters Age >70, non-epithelial, low PS, high WBC, high CRP
Lab/Clinical: Turkey 2010 Tanrikulu (7) 363 Glucose <40, CRP >50: ↓survival KPS, serum LDH, presence of pleural effusion, pleural thickening >1 cm, and PLT >420k
Clinical 2010 Richards (8) 354 Stratification of T and N status,
epithelial only
N2b vs. N2a nodal status with different Hazard Ratio
EORTC prognostic index for PFS 2009 Francart (9) 523 PS >0, Stage IV, non-epithelial: ↓PFS Age, histotype, stage,
PS, hgb, WBC
Lab/Clinic surgical series of EPP, PD, biopsy 2009 Yan (10) 456 Young age, pleural effusion,
epithelial, EPP, PET scan,
adjuvant therapy: ↑survival
Epithelial and EPP: ↑survival
Clinical/Laboratory: Turkey 2008 Gonlugur (11) 71 Pleural fluid glucose levels, the ratio of pleural fluid to serum LDH >1.0,
and total leukocyte count predict OS
None of the factors were predictive
Clinical 2007 Flores (12) 945 Histology, gender, smoking, asbestos exposure, laterality, surgical resection by EPP or PD, American Joint Committee on Cancer stage, and symptoms Surgical resection, non smokers, female, no pain, epithelial,
left side: ↑survival
Clinical 2005 Steele (13) 145 EORTC prognostic Index: PS, non-epithelial, male, low hgb, high platelet count, high WBC, high LDH: ↓survival PS, WBC, hgb, uncertain diagnosis, sarcomatoid:
Clinical 2004 Neumann (14) 155 Epithelial, young age,
female gender: ↑survival
Epithelial, young age,
female gender: ↑survival
EORTC and CALGB prognostic indices 2000 Edwards (5) 142 Male sex, older age, weight loss, chest pain, poor performance status, low hgb, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, and non-epithelial cell type: ↓survival Cell type, hgb, white cell count, performance status, and sex
Clinical 1998 Herndon (15) 337 CALGB prognostic Index: PS, chest pain, dyspnea, PLT >400,000/uL, weight loss, serum LDH level >500 IU/L, pleural involvement, low hgb level, high WBC count, and increasing age over 75 years Pleural involvement, LDH >
500 IU/L, poor PS, chest pain,
PLT >400,000, nonepithelial histology, and increasing age older than 75 years