Fig. 2.
Decreased AC expression in the ovaries of TM-treated cACKO mice. (A) qPCR was used to quantify the levels of the AC mRNA in the ovaries of wild-type (WT), heterozygous complete AC knockout (Het), Floxed mice treated with TM (Floxed+TM), and cACKO mice treated with TM (cACKO+TM). The AC mRNA levels were normalized to SRP18 rRNA as an internal control. Bar heights represent the mean values (fold difference comparing AC to SRP18 expression) from 3 independent experiments. The results showed that the AC mRNA levels were significantly decreased compared to any of the three control groups (t test, P=4.02E-6 for WT mice***, 2E-2 for Het mice**, and 1.7E-4 for Floxed+TM mice*). (B) Western blot analysis showing the levels of AC precursor protein relative to beta actin. Only the cACKO mice treated with TM exhibited a reduction in AC protein levels. Blot is representative of three independent experiments. (C) Significantly decreased AC activity was observed in the ovaries of TM-treated ACKO mice, but not TM-treated Floxed mice (*=t test, P=3E-4 TM-treated cACKO compared to compared to WT mice***, 1E-3 compared to Het mice**, and 6E-3 compared to Floxed mice*).