Figure 2.
Representative PAGE gel of PE-CpG-ODN conjugation. Conjugation was assessed by resolving PE-CpG-ODNs from disulfide bonded (ODN-SS-ODN) and unconjugated 5′SH-CpG-ODN in a 15% TBE polyacrylamide gel stained with ethidium bromide. The amounts of disulfide-bonded and unconjugated ODN were calculated from a standard curve of known ODN amounts. (A) 176 ng CpG-ODN standard, (B,C) reduced 5′SH-CpG-ODN added to MPB-PE (0.03, 0.06 μL, respectively), (D,E) PE-CpG-ODN conjugation reaction (5.25, 10.5 μL, respectively). These results indicate that >95% 5′SH-CpG-ODN is conjugated.