Note: N = 4175. CFI=.957; RMSEA=.022;
χ2(df=60)=183.857. Numbers shown are
standardized coefficients. A bolded line represents a mediated pathway that is
significant at at least the 5% level. Notations M and F indicate where a
path from a mediator to an outcome is relevant only in conjunction with the
mother’s or father’s work schedule, respectively. Model controls
for child’s gender, race/ethnicity, having siblings, born low birth
weight, mother’s age, marital status, and education at birth, family
income the year before birth, number of years receiving welfare, number of years
living in single-mother families, mother smoking during pregnancy, mother
drinking alcohol during pregnancy, mothers’ average weekly work hours,
number of years mothers working at professional, sales, or service-sector jobs,
and father’s average weekly work hours. Standard errors were adjusted
using bootstrapping to account for dependency across families.
p < .05, ** p < .01,
*** p < .001.