Fig. 3.
Relative volume of the anterior limb of the internal capsule (ALIC) from the dorsal to ventral slice level in the healthy control and schizotypal personality disorder groups. Compared with healthy controls, the SPD patients had smaller relative ALIC volume at the mid-ventral slice level (labeled slice “3” above), group×dorsal/ventral segment interaction, F[3,67]=4.75, p=0.005, Wilks. The asterisk denotes HC>SPD, Fisher’s LSD post-hoc test, p=0.049. For absolute volume of the ALIC (not shown), we also observed a significant diagnostic group×dorsal–ventral slice interaction (F[3,67]=4.61, p=0.005, Wilks) and the pattern of findings looked nearly identical to that observed for relative volume. The between-group difference for the mid-ventral level of the ALIC was also significant for absolute volume (p=0.02, Fisher’s LSD test).