Fig. 6.
Protective effect of selenoneine against lethal MeHg exposure. Zebrafish embryos were exposed to MeHgCys at 500 ng Hg/mL in Hank’s medium from 12 to 72 hpf, and the survival ratios were determined daily. a Survival ratios of antisense MO1-injected embryos and 5′-mis MO1-injected control embryos in the presence of MeHg (500 ng Hg/mL) and 0 or 1.6 μM selenoneine. Values are means ± SE (n = 38–58). Asterisks indicate significant differences between 5′-mis control MO1 and antisense MO1 embryos (Log-rank Mantel-Cox test; P < 0.0001). b Mercury levels in control embryos (5-mis control MO1) and OCTN1-deficient embryos (antisense MO1) at 24 hpf. Values are means ± SE of six individuals. Asterisks indicate significant differences between 5′-mis control MO1 and antisense MO1 embryos (ANOVA; P < 0.05)