Table 3.
Mean scores and statistics for worry-related questionnaire measures (standard deviation in parentheses).
High worry (Group 1) N = 35 | GAD community (Group 2) N = 28 | GAD clients (Group 3) N = 32 | Panic clients (Group 4) N = 24 | F (3, 113) | Partial η2 | Post hoc p < .05 | |
Attentional Control Questionnaire | 47.73 (8.12) | 48.60 (6.65) | 42.98 (7.62) | 46.02 (7.92) | 3.10* | .08 | 2 > 3 |
Meta Cognitions Questionnaire | 69.32 (11.49) | 72.22 (12.18) | 78.73 (13.66) | 66.55 (17.26) | 4.42** | .11 | 3 > 1, 4 |
Worry Domains Questionnaire | 21.43 (9.27) | 24.29 (6.70) | 27.31 (6.07) | 19.63 (8.87) | 5.11** | .12 | 3 > 1, 4 |
Note: High scores on the Attentional Control Questionnaire indicate better attentional control.
* = p < .05, ** = p < .01.