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. 2013 Aug 14;7:465. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00465

Table 6.

Locations of clusters with significant ALE values for verbal tasks.

Location Left Right
BA Cluster number and size (mm3) ALE x y z Cluster number and size (mm3) ALE x y z
Inferior frontal G 44 1 (37792) 0.0240 −48 18 8 4 (3832) 0.0097 62 12 12
Inferior frontal G 47 1 (37792) 0.0128 −40 36 −6 7 (2552) 0.0091 46 24 −8
Inferior frontal G 9 1 (37792) 0.0176 −44 8 30
Inferior frontal G 46 1 (37792) 0.0137 −44 46 0 7 (2552) 0.0090 50 38 4
Middle frontal G 10 1 (37792) 0.0095 −42 48 −12 7 (2552) 0.0078 40 50 14
Middle frontal G 10 20 (816) 0.0089 −34 50 14
Middle frontal G 46 1 (37792) 0.0081 −46 32 16 4 (3832) 0.0170 50 22 24
Middle frontal G 9 1 (37792) 0.0087 −52 14 36
Middle frontal G 8 1 (37792) 0.0124 −32 24 44
Middle frontal G 8 9 (1672) 0.0197 −20 36 42 21 (808) 0.0126 32 44 34
Superior frontal G 6 1 (37792) 0.0127 2 24 58
Superior frontal G 8 19 (848) 0.0096 −10 52 36
Medial frontal G 6 1 (37792) 0.0223 −6 22 42
Precentral G 4 8 (3276) 0.0088 −36 −18 56
Insula 13 1 (37792) 0.0204 −42 20 4 7 (2552) 0.0089 40 24 −6
Cingulate G 32 1 (37792) 0.0231 −8 28 30
Cingulate G 24 1 (37792) 0.0089 −2 18 30
Cingulate G 31 23 (744) 0.0121 −4 −46 32
Superior temporal G 38 1 (37792) 0.0129 −50 14 −22
Superior temporal G 22 12 (1432) 0.0160 −56 −40 10 11 (1520) 0.0094 50 −26 0
Middle temporal G 19 5 (3248) 0.0156 −50 −64 20
Middle temporal G 39 5 (3248) 0.0076 −58 −66 30
Middle temporal G 22 12 (1432) 0.0092 −48 −40 6
Fusiform G 18 6 (2568) 0.0147 −20 −96 −12 2 (4216) 0.0189 22 −94 −8
Fusiform G 37 1248 0.0134 −50 −50 −16
Precuneus 7 3 (3920) 0.0080 −18 −76 48
Precuneus 19 3 (3920) 0.0152 −30 −64 44 18 (864) 0.0075 30 −72 44
Supramarginal G 40 5 (3248) 0.0155 −48 −52 24
Inferior parietal lobule 40 8 (3276) 0.0118 −40 −32 46
Postcentral G 3 8 (3276) 0.0125 −36 −26 50
Superior parietal lobule 7 18 (864) 0.0126 30 −62 46
Inferior occipital G 18 6 (2568) 0.0079 −28 −94 −12 2 (4216) 0.0139 32 −92 −4
Superior occipital G 19 3 (3920) 0.0111 −36 −78 34
Thalamus 10 (1600) 0.0110 −10 −18 12
Lentiform nucleus 11 (1520) 0.0100 34 −16 8
Putamen 14 (1296) 0.0105 −32 −12 2
Lateral globus pallidus 14 (1296) 0.0087 −24 −6 −10
Medial globus pallidus 14 (1296) 0.0082 −16 −2 −10
Cerebellar tonsil 13 (1376) 0.0083 38 −70 −36
Declive 6 (2568) 0.0093 −24 −84 −18 13 (1376) 0.0141 36 −66 −24
Declive 22 (776) 0.0121 8 −74 −22
Tuber 16 (1208) 0.0113 −46 −66 −28
Inferior Semi−Lunar 17 (1048) 0.0104 30 −76 −42
Pyramis 17 (1048) 0.0084 30 −86 −34
Culmen 25 (672) 0.0098 −28 −58 −24 24 (712) 0.0111 20 −48 −18

Columns number 3–7 represent data associated with the left hemisphere and 7–12 represent data associated with the right hemisphere. Abbreviations: BA, approximate Brodmann area; ALE, activation likelihood estimation; G, gyrus; x, y, z coordinates, peak voxel in the Montreal Neurologic Institute (MNI) space.