CGC transgene structures derived from the 78 line. (A) Southern blot analysis of tail-tip DNA from a mouse with the 1148 transgene structure. The 2.7-kb recombinant lacZ3′ fragment is visible as a single copy band in both BamHI (B) and EcoRI digestion because of the repeat structure of the locus. S, SacI; P, PstI. (B) Southern blot analysis of tail-tip DNA from mice with CGC transgene structures. Lanes are labeled with the number of the mouse from which the DNA was derived. Tail-tip DNA was cleaved with EcoRI (note: lanes for mice 2548 and 2364 were overloaded). (C) CGC transgene structures. Parental 78 and the SCE structures are shown with their EcoRI restriction maps. Although SCE expansion and contraction products have not been observed, the expansion product provides a framework with which to compare the CGC structures. To the right of the CGC transgene structures is the length each locus has expanded relative to the parental 78 locus. Δ, 4-bp deletion; +, SacI site.