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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: Am J Intellect Dev Disabil. 2013 Jul;118(4):294–309. doi: 10.1352/1944-7558-118.4.294

Table 4.

Final block of regression models predicting current adult outcomes of behavior problems, functional abilities and health from parents’ prior characteristics.

Independent variable entered as 5th and 6th predictor in model


Mother Father Mother Father Mother Father
Panel A
Predicting Current Behavior Problems
Initial level of BP −.05 .16 −.00 .10 −.09 .08
Slope of BP .26t .29 .22 .36t .25 .20
Age of adult with DS .21t .39* .25t .31t .19 .27
Level of ID .05 .28 .11 .20 .10 .10
Initial level of IV .09 .01 .11 .01 .16 .05
Slope of IV .29* .22 .20 .06 .03 .09

ΔR2 .08t .04 .06 .00 .03 .01
R2 .20 .25 .22 .16 .14 .10

Panel B
Predicting Current Functional Abilities
Initial level of FA .34** .44* .32** .33* .36** .38*
Slope of FA .14 .13 .16 .08 .16 .19
Age of adult with DS −.43** −.34** −.38** −.46** −.44** −.48*
Level of ID .26* .24 .20t .26 .18 .12
Initial level of IV .21* .11 .09 .13 .02 .04
Slope of IV .18* .06 .15 .01 .00 .06

ΔR2 .06* .01 .05* .02 .00 .01
R2 .53 .61 .50 .58 .45 .53

Panel C
Predicting Current Health
Initial level of health .24* .42** .25* .33* .26* .42*
Slope of health .12 .15 .22* .11 .13 .13
Age of adult with DS −.36** −.30* −.30** −.39** −.35** −.35*
Level of ID .07 −.08 .02 −.07 −.01 −.14
Initial level of IV .28* .24 .20 .29* .13 .24*
Slope of IV .20t .01 .24* .13 .01 .01

ΔR2 .10* .05 .13** .09t .01 .05
R2 .36 .46 .40 .48 .27 .45

BP = Behavior problems; FA = Functional abilities; DS = Down syndrome; ID = Intellectual disability; IV = Independent variable (CES-D, PPWB, or PAI); CES-D = Center for Epidemiological Studies – Depression Scale; PPWB = Positive psychological well-being; PAI = Positive Affect Index.

ΔR2 reflects the amount of variance accounted for by adding the Initial level of the IV and the Slope of the IV to the regression model.

R2 reflects the total amount of variance accounted in the regression model.


= p < .01,


= p < .05,


= p < .05, one-tailed.