Table 2.
Clinical and laboratory parameters over time for the three patients treated with bortezomib-based regimen (patient 1)
Patient 1 | |||||
Baseline | Initial improvement phase | Period of rising anti-rhGAA IgG titers | Immunomodulation attempt with cyclophosphamide and rituximab | Immunomodulation with bortezomib-based regimen | |
Prior to ERT | Week 1 → week 38 of ERT | Week 38 → week 86 of ERT | Week 86 → week 98 of ERT | Week 98 of ERT onward | |
Anti-rhGAA IgG titers | Seronegative | 1:25,600 → 1:102,400 | 1:102,400 → 1:204,800 | 1:204,800 | 1:204,800 → 1:100 |
Cardiac status (LVMI (g/m2))a | 278.6 | 135 | 138.0 → 228.6 | 228.6 → 360.3 (With significant LVOTO; peak velocity 5.3 m/s) | 360.3 → 72.0 (With no evidence of LVOTO) |
Urinary Glc4 (mmol/mol creatinine) | 39.9b | NA | 130.4c (Week 64) | 153.3c (Week 92) | 83.4d (Week 159) |
Gross motor status | Generalized hypotonia | Sat unsupported; rolled over; raised arms against gravity; bore weight on lower extremities | Regression of motor milestones; myopathic facies | Voluntary motor activity limited to ocular movements only | Reacquisition of previously lost motor milestones; regained ability to move fingers and toes, bend knees and nod head; recovery of muscles of facial expression and improvement in speech function |
Respiratory status | No respiratory support | No respiratory support | Full-time ventilator dependent (PC/PEEP of 18/6 cm H2O, breathing rate: 6/min) (week 55 onward) | Increase in ventilation requirement (PC/PEEP of 15/6 cm H2O, breathing rate increased to 30/min) | Decrease in ventilation requirement (PC/PEEP of 15/5 cm H2O, breathing rate 10/min); ability to come off ventilator frequently for short periods (~8–10 min) (week 159) |
Feeding status | Oral | Oral | Gastrostomy tube (week 55 onward) | Gastrostomy tube | Gastrostomy tube |
Baseline: before initiation of ERT.
ERT, enzyme replacement therapy; GAA, glucosidase α; LVMI, left-ventricular mass index; LVOTO, left-ventricular outflow tract obstruction; NA, not available; PC/PEEP, pressure control/positive end-expiratory pressure; urinary Glc4, urinary glucose tetrasaccharide.
Upper limit of normal LVMI: 65 g/m2 (>2 SD higher than upper limit of the age-appropriate normal mean).
Control value for ages 1 to 6 months: 20 mmol/mol of creatinine (95th percentile).
Control value for ages 1 to 3 years: 8 mmol/mol of creatinine.
Control range for ages >3 years: 3 mmol/mol of creatinine.