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. 2013 Aug 15;7(8):e2374. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002374

Table 2. Empirical model parameter values.

Parameter Value Reference
H Human population size 300 [26]
L Animal reservoir population size 50 [26]
KV Tsetse population scaling constant 16538 [26]
εV Relative reproductive cost to tsetse of tryp. infection 0% [39]
aH Biting rate on humans 0.075 per day [26], [40]
aL Biting rate on animals 0.0175 per day [26], [40]
θc Proportion of female tsetse with incompatible sperm that mate twice 0% [30]
θi Proportion of female tsetse with compatible sperm that mate twice 0% [30]
m Tsetse birth rate 0.05 per day [23], [26]
ρ Tsetse adult survival rate 0.975 per day [23], [26]
ρP Tsetse pupal survival rate 0.9946 per day [23]
βVH Human-to-tsetse transmission rate 0.065 per day [26]
βVL Animal-to-tsetse transmission rate 0.065 per day [26]
βH Tsetse-to-human transmission rate 0.62 per day [26]
βL Tsetse-to-animal transmission rate 0.62 per day [26]
1/τV Tryp. incubation time in tsetse 25 days [26]
1/τH Tryp. incubation time in humans 12 days [26]
1/τL Tryp. incubation time in animals 12 days [26]
1/λH Duration of tryp. infection in humans 70 days [26]
1/λL Duration of tryp. infection in animals 50 days [26]
1/δH Tryp. immune period in humans 50 days [26]
1/δL Tryp. immune period in animals 50 days [26]
μ Proportion of eggs not Wol. colonized from Wol.-colonized females 10.73% [17]
sh Proportion of non-viable fertilizations due to CI 79.76% [17]
sf Relative increase in egg count due to Wol. colonization 19.25% [9], [17]
sd Relative increase in mortality rate due to Wol. colonization 0% [9]