Table 1. Samples used and details of alignments.
Collection site | Amphibian host | Year | Collector | Culture reference | Passage number | Sequenced depth (X) | Aligned depth (X) |
Canada, Vancouver Island | L. catesbeianus | 2009 | PH | VC1 (CA) | >3 | 52.75 | 49.17 |
England, Cumbria | E. calamita | 2010 | PM | SFBC014 (GB) | 2 | 115.32 | 106.96 |
Ethiopia, Hotcho | A. enseticola | 2011 | DG | ETH2 (ET) | 2 | 68.90 | 58.66 |
Ethiopia, Telilia Stream near Rira | Leptopelis sp. | 2011 | DG | ETH4 (ET) | 2 | 166.03 | 152.87 |
France, Lac d'Aule | A. obstetricans | 2010 | MF | AUL (FR) | 2 | 195.89 | 175.48 |
France, Loire et Cher | L. catesbeianus | 2010 | CM | RC5.1 (FR) | 3 | 85.28 | 67.65 |
France, Madamette | A. obstetricans | 2010 | MF | MAD (FR) | 2 | 127.41 | 110.29 |
Mallorca, Torrent des Ferrerets | A. muletensis | 2007 | MF | TF5a1 (ES) | >3 | 150.33 | 133.33 |
Panama, Guabal | P. lemur | 2004 | JEL | JEL423 (PA) | >3 | 53.32 | 48.48 |
Sardinia, Affluente Pisharoni | D. sardus | 2010 | TG | AP15 (IT) | 2 | 179.93 | 164.91 |
Sardinia, Monte Olia | D. sardus | 2010 | TG | MODS27 (IT) | 2 | 52.84 | 49.17 |
Sardinia, Monte Olia | D. sardus | 2010 | TG | MODS28 (IT) | 2 | 160.15 | 148.47 |
Sardinia, Scuponi | D. sardus | 2010 | TG | SP10 (IT) | 2 | 129.60 | 115.46 |
South Africa, Mount, KZN | A. vertebralis | 2010 | TG | MG1 (ZA) | 2 | 81.71 | 61.64 |
South Africa, Pinetown Kwazulu | A. angolensis | 2011 | TG | SA1d (ZA) | 2/3 | 148.72 | 136.69 |
South Africa, Pinetown Kwazulu | A. angolensis | 2010 | TG | SA4c (ZA) | 2 | 180.52 | 161.82 |
South Africa, SilverMine, KZN | A. fuscigula | 2010 | TG | MG4 (ZA) | 2 | 131.16 | 122.30 |
Switzerland, Gamlikon | A. obstetricans | 2007 | TG | ACON (CH) | >3 | 167.19 | 144.62 |
Switzerland, Gamlikon | A. obstetricans | 2008 | TG | APEP (CH) | >43 | 110.43 | 100.99 |
Switzerland, Gamlikon | A. obstetricans | 2007 | TG | CON2A (CH) | >43 | 115.29 | 102.17 |
Switzerland, Itingen | A. obstetricans | 2010 | RF | BLI1 (CH) | 2 | 52.76 | 49.32 |
Switzerland, Waltisberg | A. obstetricans | 2010 | RF | BEW2 (CH) | 2 | 144.54 | 132.07 |
Bd isolates and locations that were resequenced. The first 4 columns provide information for the recommended naming scheme outlined by Berger et al. [47]. Passage numbers are best approximations from records prior to DNA extractions in January and May 2011. The sequenced depth and aligned depth were calculated from the number of nucleotides in all or aligned reads respectively and divided by 24 Mb (the length of the Bd JEL423 genome assembly). All isolates represent novel sequences, apart from JEL423 and TF5a1 [22]. Amphibian hosts include Afrixalus enseticola (Ethiopian Banana frog), Alytes muletensis (Mallorcan Midwife Toad), Alytes obstetricans (Common Midwife Toad), Amietia angolensis (Angola River Frog), Amietia fuscigula (Cape River Frog), Amietia vertebralis (Ice Frog), Discoglossus sardus (Tyrrhenian Painted Frog), Epidalea calamita (Natterjack Toad), Leptopelis sp. (Big eyed Tree Frog), Lithobates catesbeianus (American Bullfrog), Phyllomedusa lemur (Lemur Leaf Frog). CM = Claude Miaud, DG = David Gower, JEL = Joyce Longcore, MF = Matthew Fisher, PH = Phineas Hamilton, PM = Peter Minting, RF = Rhys Farrer, TG = Trent Garner.