The trees were rooted with homologous proteins from Cryptococcus neoformans and the root location is marked with an arrow. Putative gene duplications leading to the present diversity of these genes in H. werneckii are marked with different symbols: two triangles (duplications that happened before the separation of S. cerevisiae and H. werneckii ancestors), two half-circles (duplications after the separation of S. cerevisiae and H. werneckii ancestors, but before the separation of H. werneckii and M. graminicola), a combination of triangle and half circle (duplications before the separation of H. werneckii and M. graminicola but unclear regarding to separation from S. cerevisiae ancestor) and with circles on the bifurcation (recent duplications presumably resulting from a whole genome duplication). A. Plasma membrane transporters. B. Transporters located on internal membranes. The following S. cerevisiae transporters (Trk1 (YJL129C), Trk2 (YKR050W), Tok1 (YJL093C), Nha1 (YLR138W), Ena1 (YDR040C), Ena2 (YDR039C), Ena5 (YDR038C), Pho89 (YBR296C), Nhx1 (YDR456W), Kha1 (YJL094C), Vnx1 (YNL321W), Mrs7 (YPR125W)) and its H. werneckii (Table 2) and M. graminicola (Trk1: XP_003850012.1; Tok1: XP_003847595.1; Nha1: XP_003855439.1, XP_003856011.1 and XP_003855492.1; Ena1: XP_003852150.1, XP_003854801 and XP_003850456.1; Pho89: XP_003852378.1 and XP_003849212.1; Nhx1: XP_003850315.1; Kha1: XP_003852156.1; Vnx1:, XP_003854352.1, XP_003853630.1, XP_003849439.1 and XP_003852229.1; Mrs7: XP_003852324.1) homologues were included in the phylogenetic trees. Homologoues from C. neoformans (Trk1: XP_570017.1 and XP_569339.1; Tok1: XP_568987.1 and XP_568988.1; Nha1: XP_569560.1; Ena1: XP_572412.1, XP_568029.1 and XP_570160.1; Pho89: XP_568082.1; Nhx1: XP_570596.1; Kha1: XP_571501.1; Vnx1: XP_569752.1; Mrs7: XP_569566.1) were used as outgroups. The location of the root on the trees is marked by arrows.