Figure 1.
Comparison of the specificity and efficiency of Cre/Lox recombination within the intestinal epithelia using the Ah-cre and vil-Cre-ERT2 systems (*, p > .05). (A): Results of quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for detection of fold change of the recombined CatnBflox allele in the small intestine using different induction regimes. (B): Quantification of LacZ positive stained crypts 30 d.p.i. using regimes indicated. (C): Whole mount small intestine showing LacZ stained crypts within the small intestine. (D): Results of qPCR for detection of CatnBflox allele within the intestinal crypt epithelia using different induction regimes. Abbreviations: βNF, β-napthoflavone; TAM, tamoxifen.