Upper row, left to right, Helen Saibil, our long-time EM collaborator, pictured at home in London in her backyard reading area on a surprisingly sunny day; image of a tortoise skeleton (not a lab member) from one of Helen's travels to Ghana; Jonathan Weissman, circa 1995; Wayne Fenton, timeless; and Krystyna Furtak, who has been with me from day one and produced approximately one-hundred GroEL mutant constructs. Lower row, left to right: Hays Rye, who fluorescently labeled the reaction components and watched them come and go in real time; Zhaohui Xu, who crystallized GroEL-GroES-ADP; Eric Bertelsen, unafraid to design and produce the molecules enabling NMR approaches to the machinery; and Kurt Wüthrich, our long-time NMR collaborator and originator of TROSY techniques for studying large proteins.