Expression of Lcn2 mRNA in the spinal cord after SNI. A–C, the expression of Lcn2 mRNA in the spinal cord or DRG after SNI was assessed using traditional RT-PCR (A, left, and B and C) or real-time PCR (A, right). Lcn2 mRNA levels in ipsilateral region of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord were significantly increased at 1–3 days after SNI and then decreased to basal levels (A). The mRNA levels of Lcn2 in ipsilateral dorsal horn were significantly higher than those in contralateral sides in three animals (contra- or ipsi-1, -2, and -3) at 3 days after SNI (B). The mRNA levels of Lcn2 in the DRG were not significantly changed by SNI at any time point (C). Results are representative of either three independent experiments or means ± S.E. *, p < 0.05 versus the control group or contralateral versus ipsilateral side, n = 3. Results of densitometric analyses normalized to GAPDH are shown either below or to the right of the gels.