Figure 1. The proteolysis patterns of soluble SecA and various phospholipids-associated SecA.
(A) SecA (10 μg) in the absence and presence of liposomes with E. coli lipid mixtures (EM) were treated with trypsin at concentrations indicated, as described in the Materials and Methods. The position of the molecular-markers (protein bovine serum albumin (68-kDa), ovalbumin (45-kDa), and carbonic anhydrase (29-kDa)) is shown by bars in the left hand margin. (B) Proteolysis of SecA was carried out (as defined in panel A) in the absence and presence of variously formed liposomes at concentrations of trypsin indicated. (C) Proteolysis of SecA undertaken (as defined in panel B) using 3 µg/ml; with half of the sample subjected to staining with Coomassie blue and the other transferred to PVDF membrane sheets and developed by immunoblotting with a specific antibody against SecA665-820 -A5. (refs.6,9). (D) and (E) Proteolysis of SecA was carried out according to a similar protocol used in panel A, except that different mixtures of lipids were used (see text).