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. 2013 Aug;134(2):1378–1394. doi: 10.1121/1.4812765


Articulator flesh point variables that comprise the post-processed synthetic (TaDA) and real (EMA) datasets that we use for our experiments. Note that the EMA dataset does not have a Tongue Root sensor, but has an extra maxillary (upper incisor) sensor in addition to the mandibular (jaw) sensor. Also, TaDA does not output explicit spatial coordinates of the velum. Instead it has a single velic opening parameter that controls the degree to which the velopharyngeal port is open. Since this parameter is not a spatial (x, y) coordinate like the other variables considered, we chose to omit this parameter from the analysis described in this paper.

Symbol Articulatory parameter TaDA MOCHA-TIMIT
UL(x,y) Upper lip
LL(x,y) Lower lip
JAW(x,y) Jaw
TT(x,y) Tongue tip
TF(x,y) / TB(x,y) Tongue front/body
TD(x,y) Tongue dorsum
TR(x,y) Tongue root  
VEL(x,y) Velum  
UI(x,y) Upper Incisor