Figure 1. Phenotypic selection on floral and inflorescence traits of Penstemon digitalis. White bars represent total selection (via direct selection and selection on correlated traits) while gray bars represent the targets of selection (direct selection) obtained from multivariate models that control for correlations among traits. Total and direct selection were significant for daily display size, total flower number and total scent. Flower size is the geometric mean of six floral measurements, floral color was estimated as the number × intensity of purple lines, daily display is the mean of display size, flower number is the total number of flowers produced and total scent is the sum of all relativized peak areas of 23 compounds emitted from the inflorescence. Traits not shown: first flower date, days flowering, plant height. Modified from table 3 (Parachnowitsch et al. 2012).1 [Author’s Note: Figure not cited in text]