TRPV1 expression does not affect the effectiveness of MOG35–55 immunization. (A) Proliferation following MOG35–55 peptide restimulation of inguinal lymph node cells (n = 4 per group) from B6, TRPV1+/− and TRPV1−/− mice euthanized 8–10 d after immunization. (B) Proliferation following restimulation of splenocytes 16–18 d after immunization (n ≥ 9 per group). (C) Mean stimulation index of splenocytes from naive mice stimulated with α-CD3 and α-CD28 or α-CD40 antibodies (n = 5 per group). (D-I) Production of IL-12 (D), IFN-γ (E), TNF-α (F), IL-17 (G), IL-10 (H) and IL-4 (I) by splenocytes following MOG35–55 peptide restimulation (n ≥ 5 per group).