Figure 7. Model for Axial RA-FGF Antagonism prior to Limb Budding.
Previous genetic studies support FGF8 repression of Meis1/2 in distal limb elements, but our genetic findings show that RA signaling is not required for Meis1/2 expression in the proximal limb. Thus, RA-FGF antagonism is not required along the limb proximodistal axis to provide Meis1/2 expression proximally in the stylopod (blue) and prevent distal expression in the zeugopod (orange) and autopod (green). Instead, our studies support a model in which RA is required earlier for axial antagonization of Fgf8 expression (in both the second heart field and caudal progenitor zone -CPZ) prior to forelimb budding for correct induction and positioning of Tbx5 expression in the forelimb field.