Table 2.
Univariable Analyses of Patient Factors Associated With Embryo Grade.a
Risk factors | Grade I embryos | Grade II/III embryos | P valueb |
ATRA, pmol/mL | 7.0 (4.4-9.7) 29c | 4.2 (2.6-5.8) 37 | .06 |
Age, years | 35.9 (33.9-37.8) 23d | 33.9 (32.1-35.7) 27e | .14 |
BMI, kg/m2 | 28.5 (25.9-31.1) 23 | 24.8 (22.4-27.3) 27 | .05 |
Day 3, FSH, IU/L | 8.6 (6.9-10.2) 22 | 8.7 (7.2-10.2) 25 | .90 |
Peak E2, pg/mL | 1958 (1520-2396) 23 | 1934 (1530-2338) 27 | .94 |
Total gonadotropins, pmol/mL | 3538 (2745-4331) 23 | 3327 (2595-4059) 27 | .70 |
Antral follicle count (AFC) | 19.0 (12.1-25.8) 23 | 24.7 (18.4-31.0) 27 | .22 |
Abbreviations: ATRA, all-trans retinoic acid; FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone.
a A total of 50 women and 66 follicles were evaluated, 23 women (29 follicles) with grade I and 27 women (37 follicles) with grade II and/or III.
b Grade I versus grade II/III.
c Mean (95% confidence interval) number of follicles. Means are model-based means (not raw means) obtained from a repeated measures analysis of ATRA concentration from each ovary. The model-based means are the estimated means taking into consideration the fact that not all women have ATRA measurements from both ovaries.
d Mean (95% confidence interval) number of women with at least 1 grade I embryo from the 2 follicles studied.
e Mean (95% confidence interval) number of women with at least 1 grade II/III embryo (but no grade I embryo) from the 2 follicles studied.