Table 3.
Study | Population | Sample size | Age, mean (SD) | Female (%) | Country |
Argus and Thomson (2008) [86] | Patients with depression | 141 | 43 (14) | 68 | Australia |
Baer et al. (2004) [50] | Substudy 1: Psychologists/Doctoral students in clinical psychology | 5/6 | nr mostly 18-22 (nr)/nr/36 (nr) | 100/50 about 60/nr/96 | US |
Substudy 2 and substudy 6: Undergraduates (sample 1)/Undergraduates (sample 2)/Adults with borderline personality disorder (sample 3) | 205/215/26 | US | |||
Substudy 3: Subset of sample 2 | 49 | nr | nr | US | |
Substudy 4: Subset of sample 1 | 130 | 20 (nr) | 56 | US | |
Substudy 5: Undergraduates | 115 | nr | nr | US | |
Baer et al. (2006) [44] | Substudy 1 and substudy 2: Undergraduates | 613 | 21 (nr) | 70 | US |
Substudy 3: Undergraduates | 268 | 19 (nr) | 77 | US | |
Substudy 4: Samples from substudy 1, substudy 2, and substudy 3 | 881 | 20 (nr) | 72 | US | |
Baer et al. (2008) [59] | Undergraduates/Community participants/Nonmeditators/Meditators | 259/293/252/213 | 19 (3)/50 (7)/44 (12)/49 (13) | 78/60/58/68 | US/UK/US/US |
Baer et al. (2011) [68] | Meditators | 115 | 46 (12) | 73 | US |
Nonmeditators | 115 | 44 (12) | 63 | US | |
Barnes and Lynn (2010-2011) [63] | Undergraduates | 145 | 19 (2) | 69 | US |
Baum et al. (2010) [87] | Patients with recurrent depression | 100 | 48 (11) | 77 | England |
Bernstein et al. (2011) [88] | Adults with traumatic events | 76 | 30 (13) | 46 | US |
Brown and Ryan (2003) [15] | Study: Undergraduates/Undergraduates/General adults/Undergraduates | 313/327/239/60 | 20 (nr)/20 (nr)/43 (nr)/19 (nr) | 66/64/66/57 | US |
Substudy 1: Undergraduates, general adults | 74 to 1,046 | 19 to 23 (nr) | 55 to 66 | US | |
Substudy 2: Community meditators and nonmeditators | 100 | 41 (nr) | 29 | US | |
Substudy 3: Undergraduates | 90 | 20 (nr) | 66 | US | |
Substudy 4: Community participants/Undergraduates | 74/92 | 38 (nr)/20 (nr) | 55/74 | US | |
Substudy 5: Patients with breast or prostate cancer | 41 | 55 (10) | 78 | US | |
Buchheld et al. (2001) [53] | Retreat participants | 115 | 43 (nr) | 69 | German |
Cardaciotto et al. (2008) [73] | Substudy 1: Mindfulness experts | 6 | nr | 33 | US |
Substudy 2: Undergraduates | 204 | 22 (4) | 52 | US | |
Substudy 3: Undergraduates | 559 | 20 (4) | 51 | US | |
Substudy 4: Outpatients in psychiatry | 52 | 41 (12) | 56 | US | |
Substudy 5: Inpatients with eating disorders | 30 | 30 (11) | 90 | US | |
Substudy 6: Graduate students seeking psychotherapy | 78 | 26 (8) | 89 | US | |
Carlson and Brown (2005) [39] | Outpatients with cancer | 122 | 50 (13) | 67 | Canada |
Community participants | 122 | 48 (16) | 67 | Canada | |
Cash and Whittingham (2010) [64] | Community participants | 106 | 36 (16) | 59 | Australia |
Chadwick et al. (2008) [58] | Community participants: Nonmeditators | 51 | 47 (nr) | 75 | England |
Community participants: Meditators | 83 | 47 (nr) | 60 | England | |
Patients with psychosis | 122 | 31 (nr) | 36 | England | |
Christopher et al. (2009)a [41] | Undergraduates | 365 | 22 (6) | 71 | US |
Christopher and Gilbert (2010) [45] | Undergraduates | 365 | 22 (6) | 71 | US |
Christopher et al. (2012) [60] | Adults online (meditators and nonmeditators) | 349 | 32 (12) | 75 | US |
Cordon and Finney (2008) [43] | Securely attached undergraduates | 228 | 19 (1) | 77 | US |
Insecurely attached undergraduates | 267 | 19 (1) | 77 | US | |
Davis et al. (2009) [70] | Community participants | 369 | 40 (14) | 65 | Australia |
Undergraduates | 92 | 22 (7) | 80 | Australia | |
Emanuel et al. (2010) [89] | Undergraduates: online responders | 109 | 23 (nr) | 78 | US |
Undergraduates: paper responders | 111 | nr | nr | US | |
Feldman et al. (2007) [57] | Substudy 1: Undergraduates/Undergraduates | 250/298 | 19 (3)/19 (2) | 64/61 | US |
Substudy 2: Undergraduates | 212 | 19 (2) | 60 | US | |
Fernandez et al. (2010) [61] | Undergraduates | 316 | 22 (0.4) | 92 | US |
Fisak and von Lehe (2012) [66] | Undergraduates | 400 | 22 (5) | 69 | US |
Fresco et al. (2007) [71] | Substudy 1: Undergraduates/Undergraduates | 1,150/519 | 19 (4)/19 (2) | 67/65 | US/US |
Substudy 2: Undergraduates | 61 | 20 (3) | 56 | US | |
Substudy 3: Patients with depression vs. Healthy control | 220 vs. 50 | 44 (10) vs. 45 (9) | 75 vs. 74 | England, Wales, Canada vs. England | |
Frewen et al. (2008) [47] | Substudy 1: Undergraduates | 64 | nr | 73 | Canada |
Substudy 2: Undergraduates | 43 | nr | 70 | Canada | |
Ghorbani et al. (2009)a [46] | Undergraduates: three samples | 256/298/346 | 20 (5)/19 (3)/20 (3) | 37/68/54 | US |
Haigh et al. (2011) [72] | Undergraduates (sample 1)/Undergraduates (sample 2)/ Undergraduates (subset of sample 1 + subset of sample 2) | 582/457/451 | 19 (4)/23 (10)/22 (nr) | 69/60/69 | US |
Herndon (2008) [90] | Undergraduates | 142 | nr | nr | US |
Hollis-Walker and Colosimo (2011) [62] | Undergraduates and demographically similar community participants | 123 | 21 (nr) | 78 | Canada |
Lau et al. (2006) [69] | Substudy 1: General adults (Meditators + Nonmeditators) | 390 (232+158) | 41 (13) | 55 | Canada |
Substudy 2: Patients with psychiatric or medical conditions | 123 | 47 (13) | 68 | Canada | |
Lavender et al. (2011) [65] | Undergraduate women | 276 | 20 (3) | 100 | US |
Leigh et al. (2005) [55] | Undergraduates | 196 | nr | 63 | US |
MacKillop and Anderson (2007) [40] | Undergraduates | 711 | Mostly 18-19 (nr) | 53 | US |
McCracken et al. (2007) [91] | Patients with pain | 105 | 47 (13) | 60 | UK |
McCracken and Thompson (2009) [92] | Patients with pain | 150b | 47 (13) | 64 | UK |
McKee et al. (2007) [93] | Community participants | 154 | 22 (8) | 57 | US |
Roemer et al. (2009) [94] | Substudy 1: University commuters | 411 | 23 (nr) | 64 | US |
Substudy 2: Clinical sample diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder vs. control | 16 vs.16 | 33 (12) vs. 31 (9) | 69 vs. 69 | US | |
Schmertz et al. (2009) [49] | Undergraduates | 50 | 20 (3) | 82 | US |
Van Dam et al. (2009) [67] | Undergraduates: Nonmeditators/Meditators | 263/58 | 19 (1)/48 (14) | 48/64 | US |
Van Dam et al. (2010) [42] | Undergraduates | 414 | 20 (3) | 67 | US |
Vujanovic et al. (2007) [95] | Community participants | 248 | 22 (8) | 55 | US |
Vujanovic et al. (2009) [51] | Adults with traumatic life events | 239 | 23 (10) | 54 | US |
Vujanovic et al. (2010) [52] | Non-clinical community young adults | 193 | 24 (10) | 55 | US |
Walach et al. (2006) [54] | Meditators/General adults/Clinical sample with psychiatric conditions | 85/85/117 | 44 (9)/34 (12)/nr | 66/55/nr | German |
Waters et al. (2009) [48] | Adult smokers | 158 | 44 (12) | 45 | US |
Zvolensky et al. (2006) [96] | Community participants | 170 | 22 (8) | 56 | US |
nr: Not reported
Studies were limited to English speaking students.
Includes the sample from McCracken et al. 2007; the 2009 findings addressed in this review were limited to properties not assessed in the 2007 report.