Figure 7. Effects of caffeine and theophylline on plasma, brain, and cognitive measures.
In aged 20–21 month old APPsw mice that had been treated for 2 months with caffeine and cognitively evaluated (n=6), blood and brain tissues taken at euthanasia were analyzed. (A) High plasma caffeine levels correlated with lower plasma Aβ levels. (B) Mice with higher plasma caffeine levels had lower plasma Aβ1-40 levels and lower hippocampal cytokine levels than those mice with lower caffeine levels. *p<0.05; **p<0.01. (C,D) As exemplified by these 2 correlation graphs, plasma caffeine levels in individual mice were not correlated with their radial arm water maze (RAWM) working memory performance. (E) Plasma caffeine and plasma theophylline levels were strongly correlated. (F) High plasma theophylline levels correlated with lower plasma IFN-γ levels.