Fig. 4.
Newly synthesized DNA strands are associated with the recipient chromosome. (A) Detection of the BIR translocation product in G1-released cells by PFGE and Southern blot hybridization using a probe specific to Ch XI. Lower panel shows the BIR product detected by PCR for the same samples. (B) Western blot of the pulsed field gel of the indicated strains 6 h after HO induction shows greater BrdU incorporation into the recipient chromosome compared with the donor chromosome. (C) Quantification of the relative BrdU signal (Ch V–VIII/Ch XI) from three independent trials; error bars show SD. (D) Schematic showing the locations of the recipient and donor cassettes on Ch V and I, respectively, and the PCR primer pair used to detect BIR products (P1, P2). BIR generates a novel-sized chromosome of 606 kb that can be resolved from the donor and recipient chromosomes by PFGE. (E) BrdU was added to the culture 2 h after HO induction and used to track incorporation into recipient or donor chromosomes by PFGE. The black arrows indicate the positions of the recipient chromosomes and white arrows mark the positions of the donor chromosomes.