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. 2013 Jun;9(4):232–240.

Table 2.

Providing the service expected by physicians in private offices (including general or specialized, and family physicians) regarding hypertension (HTN) self-care training

Service recipient Methods of training The place of service Content of the curriculum Assessment
•Patient - Face to face training - Physicians’ office - The importance and necessity of treating HTN - Number of patients covered by self-care program
- Pamphlets and brochures designed in simple language - Service provider: physicians or their trained secretaries - Complications of HTN
- The importance of non-medical therapy and suitable lifestyle - Number of distributed training printed aids
- Patients’ index card - The significance of salt consumption incidence and exacerbation of HTN - Study of patients’ KAP
- Training CDs
- SMS - Medical therapy and correct administration of drugs including type of drug, dose of drug, and the way of storing drugs - Counting the pills remaining at the end of each period
- Follow-up by phone calls
- Familiarity with important side effects of the drugs - Patients’ satisfaction
- Normal blood pressure does not mean stopping administration of drugs - Number of files related to HTN self-care in the office
- Control of other cardiovascular factors - Physician’s satisfaction
- Follow-up with the required tests in time according to the relevant physician - Number of referrals by physicians
- Training correct measurement of blood pressure at home - Number of regular visits of patients
- The necessity to know symptoms of HTN that require visiting a physician - Number of patients under care that suffer complications
- The importance of going to the service providing unit regularly - Number of patients under care with controlled HTN
- Requesting the physicians or nurses to measure blood pressure in every visit to an office or a hospital - Number of patients referred to higher levels of service providers
•Patients’ family members - Face to face training - Physicians’ office - The importance and necessity of treating HTN - Performing the non-medical therapeutic recommendations at home
- Pamphlets and brochures - Service provider: physicians or their trained secretaries - Complications of HTN - Satisfaction of the patients’ families of the training
- Training CDs - The existence of family history in incidence of HTN - Number of patients covered by self-care program
- The importance of non-medical therapy and suitable lifestyle - Number of distributed training aids
- Encouraging the patients to follow the physicians’ instructions - Study of KAP of patients’ families
- The importance of measuring blood pressure of patients’ families
- The importance and how to measure blood pressure of the patients
- Knowing the patients’ drugs
- The importance of appropriate support by family
- Being in touch with the patients to follow up their process of treatment
- Being in touch with the therapists to follow up the process of treatment
•People at high risk (including those with obesity, diabetes, a sedentary lifestyle or any other factor causing HTN) - Face to face training - Physicians’ office - The importance of preventing HTN - Examining the visits done at the appointed time
- Pamphlets and brochures designed in simple language - Service provider: physicians or their trained secretaries - Risk factors of HTN - Smoking cessation and controlling obesity
- Patients’ index card - A suitable lifestyle including appropriate nutrition, suitable physical activity, control of stress, smoking cessation - Number of people covered by self-care program
- Training CDs
- SMS - Requesting the physicians to measure blood pressure in every appointment with a physician for other reasons - Number of distributed training aids
- Follow-up by phone calls - Study of people s’ KAP
- Training the use of appropriate social support - Performing the non-medical therapeutic recommendations at home
- Doing necessary tests periodically
- Measurement of blood pressure at home - Satisfaction of the people under training
- Rate of controlling other diseases
- Number of people affected with HTN

Execution of this program does not need superordinates; HTN: Hypertension; KAP: Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice