Figure 5. Hfq upregulated the expression of Omp25/Omp31 and the Sigma factors.
A. Fold changes in the transcript abundances of omp25, omp25b, omp25c, and omp31 genes were detected by microarray and qRT-PCR in 16 MΔhfq, relative to 16 M. B, C. Transcript abundances of rpoH1 (B) and rpoE1 (C) were detected in the 16 M, 16 MΔhfq, and 16 MΔhfq-C during early logarithmic (EL), mid-logarithmic (ML), and stationary phases (SP). Significant differences between the transcription abundances of rpoH1 and rpoE1 in the mutant and parent strain are indicated as follows: *, P<0.001.