Figure 2. UBIAD1 is localized on the ER (endoplasmic reticulum) and the Golgi, but not on the plasma membrane, of both HEK293 cells and T24 cells.
A, UBIAD1 is localized on the Golgi apparatus of HEK293 cells. HEK293 cells were transfected with plasmid UBIAD1-EGFP and plasmid Golgi-RFP (Golgi marker). The nuclei were stained with DAPI. a, UBIAD1-EGFP expressed in HEK293 cells; b, nuclei stained with DAPI; c, the merge of a and b; d, Golgi marker expressed in HEK293 cells; e, the merge of b and d; f, the merge of a, b and d. Arrows point to the UBIAD1-EGFP. B, UBIAD1 is localized on the Golgi of a single HEK293 cell; a, UBIAD1-EGFP expressed in HEK293 cell; Arrows point to the UBIAD1-EGFP. b and e, Ds Red-Golgi marker; Arrows point to the Golgi. c, the merge of a and b; The nuclei in a, b and c were stained with DAPI. d, The endogenous UBIAD1 was measured. HEK293 cell stained with UBIAD1 antibody and the FITC-conjugated secondary antibody; Arrow point to the endogenous UBIAD1. f, the merge of d and e. C, UBIAD1 is localized on the ER of a single HEK293 cell; a, UBIAD1-EGFP expressed in a single HEK293 cell; b and e, Ds Red-ER marker; c, the merge of a and b; The nuclei in a, b and c were stained with DAPI. d, The endogenous UBIAD1 was measured. HEK293 cell stained with UBIAD1 antibody and the FITC-conjugated secondary antibody; f, the merge of d and e. The arrangement of arrows is similar to those in figure 2B. D, UBIAD1 is not detected on the plasma membrane. a, UBIAD1-EGFP expressed in a single HEK293 cell; b, RFP-H-Ras (marker for plasma membrane and the Golgi); Arrow points to plasma membrane. c, the merge of a and b; d, The endogenous UBIAD1 was measured. HEK293 cell stained with UBIAD1 antibody and the R-PE-conjugated secondary antibody; e, Orail1-EGFP (marker for plasma membrane); Arrow points to plasma membrane. f, the merge of d and e. E, As in HEK293 cells, UBIAD1 is expressed on the ER and the Golgi, but not on the plasma membrane, in bladder carcinoma T24 cells. a, d and g, UBIAD1-EGFP expressed in T24 cells; Arrows point to UBIAD1-EGFP. b, e and h, markers for the Golgi (b, Ds Red-Golgi), ER (e, Ds Red-ER) and plasma membrane (h, BFP-H-Ras), respectively; Arrows point to the Golgi, the ER and the plasma membrane. c, Merge of a and b; f, Merge of d and e; i, Merge of g and h. All experiments were repeated at least three times. Size bar represents 10 µm.