Table 1. Information about Quoted Participants and the Interviewers.
Participant ID | Ethnicity | HIV Status | Typology | Interviewer |
Luke | Native American | HIV-negative | Fragments | Male |
Keith | African American | HIV-negative | Fragments | Male |
Brad | White | HIV-negative | Single-Issue, insured | Female |
Kurt | White | HIV-negative | Single-issue, uninsured | Male |
Daniel | White | HIV-negative | Opportunist | Male |
David | Latino | HIV-negative | Opportunist | Male |
Greg | Bi-racial | HIV-negative | Consolidates | Male |
Craig | White | HIV-negative | Fragments | Male |
Anthony | Latino | HIV-negative | Opportunist | Female |
Brian | White | HIV-negative | Fragments | Male |
Alex | Latino | HIV-negative | Opportunist | Female |
William | White | HIV-positive | Fragments | Female |
Luis | Latino | HIV-negative | Opportunist | Female |
Paul | White | HIV-negative | Fragments | Female |
Note. All Participant IDs are pseudonyms.