Figure 8. The expression of tenocyte and non-tenocyte related genes in patellar (A) and Achilles (B) TSCs in response to mechanical loading in vitro.
Total RNA were collected from TSCs stretched to 4% or 8% for qRT-PCR analysis. In PTSCs under low mechanical loading (green, 4% stretching), only those genes related to tenocytes (Coll. I, or collagen type I; Tenom or tenomodulin) were highly expressed, but under high mechanical loading (red, 8% stretching), both tenocyte and non-tenocyte related genes increased their expression. Similar results were obtained for ATSCs in response to low (4%) and high (8%) mechanical loading. Note the different scale in gene expression by PTSCs and ATSCs between the two loading conditions (*p<0.05, with respect to non-loaded cells; #p<0.05 with respect to 4% stretching).