TABLE 2. Components of frailty and a selection of frequently used diagnostic criteria.
Components of Frailty |
Cardiovascular Health Study (2001) [18] n=1741 |
InChianti study (2006) [34] n=827 |
Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement (SHARE, 2010) [35] n=18 227 |
Women’s Health and Aging Studies (2010) [36] n=786 |
TROPOS and SOTI (2011) [37] n=5082 |
weight loss |
≥5% loss of body weight in prior year |
> 4.5kg self-reported unintentional weight loss in previous year |
A negative response to the question “what has your appetite been like?” |
≥10% weight loss since age 60 until exam |
≥5% loss of body weight in prior year | ||||||
| |||||||||||
exhaustion |
A positive response to either (CES-D) statement: i) I felt that everything I did was an effort ii) I could not get going |
A positive response to either (CES-D) statement: i) I felt that everything I did was an effort ii) I could not get going |
A positive response to the statement: i) In the last month, I have too little energy to do things I want to do |
A report of any of: i) low usual energy level (≤3, range 0-10), ii) felt unusually tired in last month, or iii) felt unusually weak in the past month |
A response of “most or all the time” to either (SF-36 – vitality) question: i) Did you feel worn out? ii) Did you feel tired ? |
| |||||||||||
Low physical
activity |
270 on activity scale (18 items) |
Self-reported physical activity during the home interview. |
A response of “one or three times a month ” to the question: i) how often do you engage in activities that require a low or moderate level of energy? |
90 on activity scale (6 items) |
A positive response to either of the statements: i) I do no physical activity ii) I do no more than 1 or 2 walks per week |
| |||||||||||
Slow walking speed | Walking 4.57 m: (corrected for height) |
Walking 4 m: (lowest sex-specific and height-specific quintile) |
A positive response to the question: i) because of your health problem do you have difficulty walking ? |
Walking 4 m: (corrected for height) |
A response of “;Yes, limited a lot ” to (SF-36 – physical functioning) question: - Are you limited in walking one block ? |
| |||||||||||
Muscle weakness | Grip strength (corrected for BMI range) |
Grip strength (lowest sex-specific quintile) |
Grip strength (corrected for BMI range) |
Grip strength (corrected for BMI range) |
A response of “Yes, limited a lot ” to (SF-36 – physical functioning) question: - Are you limited in climbing one flight of stairs? |
| |||||||||||
50-64yr | +65yr | ||||||||||
Result | Robust | 33% | Robust | 56% | Robust | 59% | 41% | Robust | 45% | Robust | 46% |
Pre-frail | 55% | Pre-frail | 38% | Pre-frail | 37% | 42% | Pre-frail | 44% | Pre-frail | 49% | |
Frail | 12% | Frail | 7% | Frail | 4% | 17% | Frail | 11% | Frail | 5% |
Note: the criteria in the first column, the Cardiovascular Health Study (2001,) are those proposed by Fried and colleagues