TABLE 3. Generic QoL instruments.
Name | Number of questions |
Domains (number of questions) |
SF-36 MOS 36-item Short Form Health Survey [105] |
36 | 8 domains: General health (GH) (5), physical functioning (PF) (10), role limitation-physical (RP) (4), mental health (MH) (5), role limitation- emotional (RE) (3), social functioning (SF) (2), bodily pain (BP) (2), vitality (V) (4) |
EuroQol EQ-5D European QoL Questionnaire [106] |
5 | 5 domains: Anxiety/depression (1), mobility (1), pain/discomfort (1), self- care (1), usual activities (1) |
Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) [107] |
38 | 6 domains: Bodily pain (BP) (8), emotional reactions (ER) (9), energy (E) (3), physical mobility (PM) (8), sleep (S) (5), social isolation (SI) (5) |
Instruments for older persons | ||
OPQOL-brief Older People’s Quality of Life questionnaire [100] |
35 | 8 domains: Life overall (4), health (4), social relationships and participation (5), independence, control over life and freedom (4), home and neighbourhood (4), psychological and emotional well-being (4), financial circumstances (4), leisure, activities and religion (6) |
CASP-19 [108] | 19 | 4 domains: Control, autonomy, self-realisation and pleasure |
PGC-MAI Philadelphia Geriatrics Center Multilevel Assessment Instrument [109] |
147 (+ mid-length [68] + short [24]) |
6 domains: ADL (16), cognition (10), perceived environment (25), personal adjustment (12), physical health (49), social interaction (17), time use (18) |
PWB Perceived Well-Being Scale [109] |
14 | 2 domains: Psychological wellbeing (6), physical wellbeing (8) |
ACSA Anamnestic Comparative Self- assessment Scale [94] |
14 | 1 domain: subjective well-being - the ACSA asks the patient to remember the best and worst periods of their life experience (assigned +5 and −5, respectively) then to rate their current life satisfaction (over period). |
LEIPAD [110] | 49 | 7 domains: Cognitive function (5), depression/anxiety (4), life satisfaction (6), physical function (5), self-care (6), sexual function (2), social function (3) + other moderator scales (18) |
WHOQoL-Old [111] | 24 | 6 domains: Sensory abilities (4), autonomy (4), past, present and future activities (4), social participation (4), death and dying (4), intimacy (4) |
ADL: Activities of daily living; IADL: instrumental activities of daily living