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. 2013 Jan 31;144(1):145–151. doi: 10.1378/chest.12-1873

Table 3.

—Multivariate Regression Models Predicting Physical Activity, Total Steps per Day (N = 148)

Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
Variable β SE β P Value R2 ∆R2
Model 1 0.20 0.20
 Age, per y −116 32 0.74 <.001
 Male sex 955 668 0.11 .16
 FEV1 % predicteda 76 19 0.32 <.001
 O2 use −547 608 −0.07 .37
Model 2b 0.32 0.12
 Dyspnea, SOBQ −79 16 −0.38 <.001
Model 3b 0.42 0.10
 Dyspnea, SOBQ −52 16 −0.25 .001
 6MWT, ft 3 0.68 0.38 <.001
Model 4b 0.42 0
 Dyspnea, SOBQ −51 17 −0.24 .003
 6MWT, ft 3 0.68 0.38 <.001
 Depression, HADS-D −23 65 −0.03 .73
Model 5b 0.47 0.04
 Dyspnea, SOBQ −57 16 −0.27 .001
 6MWT, ft 3 0.65 0.39 <.001
 Depression, HADS-D −176 76 −0.19 .02
 Anxiety, HADS-A 288 80 0.32 <.001
Model 6c 0.42
 6MWT, ft 4 0.64 0.48 <.001
 Depression, HADS-D −228 77 −0.25 .004
 Anxiety, HADS-A 257 83 0.29 .002

∆R2 = change in R2; SOBQ = Shortness of Breath Questionnaire. See Table 1 legend for expansion of other abbreviations.


For each 1% change in FEV1.


Models 2-5 included age, sex, FEV1% predicted, and supplemental O2 use.


Dyspnea excluded from model 6; comparing models 5 and 6 provides a test of mediation to examine whether dyspnea mediates the relationship between the anxiety and physical activity.