Figure 3. D1/5 stimulation enhances neuronal excitability and suppresses post-burst AHP.
(A) An example of the effect of D1/5 receptor agonist SKF81297 (10 µM) on neuronal excitability (left) and post-burst AHP (right). The protocols for excitability test and post-burst AHP recording were run alternately every 30 seconds. (B) Excitability before, during and after 15-min application of the D1/5 receptor agonist SKF81297 (left). Group histograms showing that SKF81297 enhances the neuronal excitability of mPFC neurons (right) (*p<0.05 for SKF81297 vs. baseline, paired t-test). (C) Amplitude of post-burst AHP before, during and after 15-min application of SKF81297 (left). Group histograms showing that SKF81297 reduces the amplitude of post-burst AHP (right) (**p<0.01 for SKF81297 vs. baseline, paired t-test). (D) Area of post-burst AHP before, during and after 15-min application of SKF81297 (left). Group histograms showing that SKF81297 reduces the area of post-burst AHP (right) (**p<0.01 for SKF81297 vs. baseline, paired t-test). (E) Decay time of post-burst AHP before, during and after a 15-min application of SKF81297 (left). Group histograms showing that SKF81297 reduces the decay time of post-burst AHP (right) (**p<0.01 for SKF81297 vs. baseline, paired t-test). (F) Correlation plot showing two potential clusters of neurons with distinct response of excitability to the application of SKF81297. Mean±SEM of the two groups were displayed as black symbols. In a few cells, the negative values in the X-axis mean an increase in post-burst AHP.